Payment methods

Which payment methods are accepted on the ******** website?

Several different payment methods may be used on our website. The payment methods available to you may vary depending on the amount of time before your trip and whether you use the website or mobile app.

Secure and confidential payment

When you submit a payment on our website, your payment data is encrypted and transmitted via a secure connection. The encryption of information transmitted online is performed depending on the browser used, according to the highest standards (TLS 1.2).

Some transactions are processed through our partner Global Collect. Your payment data is transmitted to Global Collect via a secure connection and for the sole purpose of processing your requested payment. Your data is never communicated to third parties or used for commercial purposes.

Several different payment methods may be used on our website. The payment methods available to you may vary depending on the amount of time before your trip and whether you use the website or mobile app.

PayPal's digital wallet, available on the mobile site and the Air France app, allows you to pay for purchases online. You must have a PayPal account to use this payment method.

Payment instructions

When paying for your booking, please select PayPal as your payment method. You will then be redirected to the PayPal website, where you can log in using your e-mail address and password.

As soon as payment is confirmed, your account will be charged for the total amount. Once your bank indicates that the transaction is complete, we will send you your e-ticket by e-mail. This process generally takes less than 1 hour.

Payment by PayPal is processed through our partner Global Collect.

You can pay by bank transfer if you book your trip at least 16 days before your departure date. Your bank may apply a bank transfer fee. Please contact your bank for more information concerning the amount of this fee. Depending on your country, payments made by bank transfer may be processed by our partner Global Collect or by ****** directly.

Payment instructions

During the reservation process, we provide the bank information needed to process your bank transfer, including the IBAN and BIC codes for the receiving bank account. You must proceed with payment within 3 days of booking your trip so we receive your payment in time to guarantee your reservation.

To request a bank transfer, you must do the following:
  • Use your bank's online banking service (if your bank offers online bank transfers)
  • Complete a bank transfer request form at your bank

Depending on your country, please indicate the reference number (12-digit code located on the payment confirmation page and in the confirmation e-mail) or the reservation number in the payment instructions. This information helps us link the payment to your reservation.

As soon as we receive your full payment, we will send you an e-mail containing your e-ticket.

International bank transfers may be subject to additional bank charges. Bank transfer times may also exceed the ticketing time limit. Please contact your bank for more information.

You can pay online for all or part of your booking using a voucher.

Payment instructions

When paying for your booking, enter your voucher number in the dedicated field. You may use a 2nd voucher, with a maximum of 2 vouchers per passenger and 3 vouchers per booking file. Next, validate each voucher by clicking the “Add” button. If the amount of the voucher is greater than the ticket price, a new voucher will be issued for the remaining balance.

Please note:

  • Vouchers are non-transferrable and must be issued in the same name as the name indicated in the reservation.
  • Each passenger may use up to 2 vouchers per reservation within a limit of 3 vouchers per reservation file.
  • Vouchers may be used to pay for flight options in the “Your Reservations” area, after purchasing a ticket.
  • Vouchers issued by KLM are accepted.
  • Vouchers issued in any currency are accepted.